Thursday, July 8, 2010

I just found out that Ashley's headstone has been shipped. I am so anxious to see it! I know she would have picked out the same one that I picked out for her. When it arrives at the cemetary and is installed, I want to have a little celebration for her life and what her spirit has done for the EOS world. I want friends and family around me because I know it will be hard. She love clowns and balloons, and told her cousin Kayla jsut how she wanted it to be. I will follow her wishes.

The pain is still there and somedays it weighs me down. I know the headstone will give some finalization and less guilt to me for having trouble even facing the fact that I had to pick out a headstone for my only daughter and child.

1 comment:

  1. Karla, it's a beautiful choice. I am so sorry you have had to endure the loss of your child. I haven't chimed in before as I really had no words that would have been sufficient, but my thoughts have been with you and my heart aches for what you have dealt with. I am sure that the service will be just right. Sending you ((((HUGS)))))

